Ask Us A Question

or place an order by phone

Ask us a question, place an order, or just have a gardening chat.
You can reach us in the following ways:-

You can email us on:

Call us on: 01386 871740

or you can text, speak or video chat our shop manager directly.

Whatsapp: Paul
Facetime: Paul

With video chats, you can see products up close before you buy them, or have a one-to-one technical conversation with our experts. But the best bit is, that this service is FREE*.

Please Note: to use WhatsApp or Apple’s Facetime, you will need to have these applications available on the communication device you are using.

* When using your own home WIFI,
but may consume your monthly data allowance if you are using a mobile data network.
However Golls Nurseries will not charge you for this service.